Traffic light
Traffic light

traffic light

Information shared with people in a meeting direct email. In most circumstances, TLP:RED should be exchanged verbally or in person. In the context of a meeting, for example, TLP:RED information is limited to those present at the meeting. Recipients may not share TLP:RED information with any parties outside of the specific exchange, meeting, or conversation in which it was originally disclosed. Sources may use TLP:RED when information cannot be effectively acted upon by additional parties, and could lead to impacts on a party's privacy, reputation, or operations if misused. Not for disclosure, restricted to participants only. Over the years, different wordings of the TLP have surfaced, but the CSIRT community recently made an effort to clarify the TLP. The meaning of the colour indicates the possibilities for further spreading of the information. Tagging information consists simply of adding “TLP:COLOUR” on a document or part of it. The TLP is in principle easy to use: the sharer of information tags the information with a colour. This Glossary Entry presents the TLP and its possible variants, and proposes some considerations on its use and its limitations. The TLP can be used in all forms of communication, whether written or oral.

traffic light

It is used in almost all CSIRT communities and some Information Analysis and Sharing Centres (ISACs). The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) is a means for someone sharing information to inform their audience about any limitations in further spreading this information.

Traffic light